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Webinar: COVID-19 - Reopening the Doors

Edna Nakamoto

On or around March 16th, many of us learned that we would be sheltered in place (SIP) in less than 10 hours because of COVID-19. After getting over the shock, some organizations have been able to adjust, but other organizations have been devastated because the SIP meant that they had to close their doors for an unspecified period of time. In the interim, we’ve worried about the safety of our families, co-workers and friends; stressed about the viability of our businesses; and struggled to learn complex regulations around new acronyms such as PPP, FFCRA, CARES, PPE.

Now, our focus is shifting on what happens when we can reopen doors. Of course, the uncertainty remains because there are many unanswered questions such as what does reopening mean or even when your organization will be allowed to open your doors. Regardless, there is no such thing as business as usual. The purpose of this webinar is to help you make sense of the preparations needed and to provide you with a logical framework (not a checklist) to help you navigate in our crazy new world of risks and regulations.

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